Monday, September 6, 2010


Texting has become a way of communication in today’s society. Even kids at the young age of 7 have felt the need to have a cell phone. More than 50% of teenagers today said that they text someone when it would have been easier to call that person. Cell phones have become a necessity to a lot of people in our society. Many times you can walk down the street and see someone walking with their head staring at their phone, they will look up for a split second and put their head back down again. If for a few seconds they are watching what is going on around them, you can see them check their phone periodically to see if anyone has texted them back yet. Technology is changing so rapidly and cell phones are a big part of society, we may have to accept the idea of cell phone use because of what they are capable of doing.


  1. well, well. Texting. are you going to write about texting every time?

  2. i dont think so..not sure though, hah

  3. Texting while driving. One of the best ways to get in a car crash.
