Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This day seems blah to me. Last night I was up until 1:30 in the morning writing a paper, so this morning when my alarm went off, I could barley crawl out of my warm bed. I went outside and froze my fingers off while searching for a window scraper. I ended up using a water bottle...Now I am going to go home and sleep my life away :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Brett Favre vs. Packers

The packers won last night, which I am no doubt more than excited about, but all the booing and bashing Favre on facebook, is a little over the top. He is a legend at Lambeau right? He did pull together the packers didn't he? I think it's terrible he is with the vikings, but for real?? What are your thoughts?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What'ts eating you?

The other day I was watching tv and stumbled upon this show called what's eating you. This show is about eating disorders and there are so many people who suffer from eating disorders that are being swepped under the rug. The girls on this show don't even know they have a eating disorder. It's really sad to see a 21 year old girl who weighs 97 pounds, and all of the vertibres in her back are visable, not even see that she is WAY too skinny. These people look in the mirror and see a fat ugly person, when thats obviously not the case. Like most of the girls who are addicted to binging and perging, or not eating at all. There was one girl who ate CHALK. She ate chalk like it was candy, she said it was her best friend, it was kind to her, it didn't judge her and it made her happy. She would eat the chalk when she was angry, sad, mad, anxious, and even just for fun. She had seen her mothers friend eat chalk once and decided to try it and hasn't stopped since. I definately am going to follow the show because stuff like this interests me!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


 It is FALL and I have many mixed feelings about fall. I really like the leaves changing colors, the cool weather, thanksgiving, and halloween. But as we all know fall brings winter. Winter and I don't get along very well. The below zero temperatures, freezing rain and icy roads really bring down my mood. The one thing that I don't mind about winter is Christmas, the family comes together and everyone eats good food:) After winter is spring! The flowers start blooming, it is starting to get warmer outside, the grass grows greener and everyones emotions are a little bit higher. Easter comes along with spring, and Easter is such an exciting holiday. Everyone is ready for summer and everything is so bright and peaceful. Summer is after spring. Summer is my favorite season. The hot sun, the dirty lake, the picknicks. The fourth of July, where everyone is grilling out and watching fireworks. Wearing shorts and tank tops and going to the beach. I find myself having favorites in every season because all of the seasons have something that I enjoy. The changing of the seaons keep things moving. If we didn't have change of seasons nothing would ever be exciting.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


As I'm sitting here trying to brain storm ideas of what to blog about, the only thing that keeps running through my head is Oktoberfest so, Oktoberfest it is.

This weekend is one of the biggest weekends in La crosse. Sadly some people probably look forward to Oktoberfest more than Christmas or other important events. I've been in the Lacrosse area my whole life, and went to a few parades he and there, but it was nothing big to me. I recently moved to Lacrosse this summer with a few friends and I have a feeling that it just might be a different story this year....

I view Oktoberfest as one BIG beer fest, where college students from all around the state come home for this time of the year. I'm not really sure the real meaning behind Oktoberfest, something to do with celebrating the German hertiage? People dancing around to german music, eating kraut and drinking beer?  One thing I do know is that there is a lot of intoxication involved.

Sadly there will probably be a few deaths due to the drunkeness, and a few DUI'S, and a few more arrests, people go crazy over this so called "holiday".

Monday, September 13, 2010


I have played basketball my whole life, and when I was in eighth grade Luther High held the annual LALSAC tournament. We had made it to the championship game, we were playing Nodine who had been our rival all year. It was close all game, and soon enough the fourth quarter rolled around, there was 15 seconds left. We just had stolen the ball and had to inbound it. I inbounded the ball and threw it to the other team! My heart was racing and I thought to my self, "Oh my gosh, what did I just do?!". The other team went in for a layup and missed. We then rebounded the ball and took it back to our side of the court, there was 5 seconds left and we needed a 3 point shot. Devin was the best three point shooter on the team, and as we passed it around for a few seconds we were desperate for a shot. Devin shot a three pointer, and made the winning shot. Everyone went crazy! We had just won the championship game, might I add that West Salem hadn't won since our mothers were in that same tournament! The team was very excited and we went out to celebrate that night.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Texting has become a way of communication in today’s society. Even kids at the young age of 7 have felt the need to have a cell phone. More than 50% of teenagers today said that they text someone when it would have been easier to call that person. I have personally seen many teens connected to their cell phones, I think a lot of older people wonder why they are so attached, but then again they never had that kind of technology when they were growing up. Technology is changing so rapidly and cell phones are a big part of society, we may have to accept the idea of cell phone use because of what they are capable of doing.