Monday, October 25, 2010

Brett Favre vs. Packers

The packers won last night, which I am no doubt more than excited about, but all the booing and bashing Favre on facebook, is a little over the top. He is a legend at Lambeau right? He did pull together the packers didn't he? I think it's terrible he is with the vikings, but for real?? What are your thoughts?


  1. I feel bad he broke his ankle and all that. Watching him play last night was like watching him play for us in the olden days (which is before you can remember).

  2. His determination is what keeps him going. Mainly for the top players in the NFL, they have to keep their reputation up by being the best they can be and toughing it out.

  3. I totally agree with you Emily! I think it is ridiculous to forget about everything he gave to the packers, just because he is with a rival team. He obviously just loves the game of football and wants to keep playing. Also, why should the fans hate on him so much when it’s obvious that the packer’s players don't even have that hatred towards him. After the game they all went up to Favre and gave him a hug and shook hands. My favorite was watching Favre and Driver reunite!

  4. I'm not really sure. I don't like Farve all that much and never really have, even when he did play for us. I love the packers, but they are a "team" it's not made up of just one person, which is what it seemed like when he played, that all the hype was about him and not the rest of the team who put forth just as much effort. I do have to say it made me happy to see him realize how great of a team he left behind and I am sure he appreciates and respects them alot more now that he has lost to them.
